Drew Peterson hearsay hearings – Day 5

Pastor Neil Schori testifies – Defense argues that conversations were privileged.

The judge in the Drew Peterson hearsay hearing issued a recess Tuesday after the defense called into question whether pastor Neil Schori’s conversations with Stacy Peterson were privileged.

Updates will be posted as they come. Make sure to check out the comments thread!

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107 thoughts on “Drew Peterson hearsay hearings – Day 5

  1. “That was absolutely rehearsed. It was almost as if she cried on cue,” Brodsky said outside the courtroom. “That was clearly staged.”

    Brodsky contended defense attorneys will show Stacy Peterson took up with another man and disappeared voluntarily.

    How convenient that Mr. Brodsky can stand outside the courthouse and voice HIS opinions on what is fact and what isn’t. So, is Judge White supposed to sit down with his evening cup of coffee, turn on his tv, and listen to the sound bites of the defense counsel give his take on things, so he can take it all in and make his rulings? Nice. Roll those cameras for Mr. Brodsky to give his opinions for the Judge. That is who Mr. Brodsky is rehearsing and cuing up for, right? His sound bites of disbelief of the witnesses. Aww, come on now, that interview in front of the courthouse stairs WAS rehearsed, cued and staged, right?

    “We believe we’ll be able to show Stacy was planning on leaving,” Brodsky said.

    Well, um, yeah, they’ll be able to show that. It’s no secret she wanted out of her marriage. But, um, see, the problem is how she left. The State seems to be showing that she left being carried out in a blue container.

  2. It would be interesting to know if DP stopped paying life insurance premiums on Stacy’s $300,000 life insurance policy.

  3. I remember when Joel was talking about that on the blogs. He’d change his tune from one post to the next. One minute Schori was a bad dude for sharing Stacy’s confidences – the next he was raked over the coals for merely listening and not going to the authorities.

    Wonder if they’ll take both tacts in the courtroom?

  4. Pastor’s Testimony Questioned in Peterson Hearing

    Updated: Tuesday, 26 Jan 2010, 10:24 AM CST
    Published : Tuesday, 26 Jan 2010, 10:24 AM CST

    By Craig Wall, FOX Chicago News

    The judge in the Drew Peterson hearsay hearing issued a recess Tuesday after the defense called into question whether a key witness’ conversations with Stacy Peterson were privileged.

    Neil Schori — a former pastor at the Westbrook Christian Church — claims that Stacy Peterson told him that Drew Peterson admitted to killing his previous wife, Kathleen Savio.

    However, the defense has raised objections to Schori divulging those conversations, saying they were based on clergy privilege and part of a confidential counseling session.


  5. I hope they keep protesting. The more they don’t want us to hear what he has to say, the more important it seems that he say it.
    But I don’t think I knew that Neil Schori is now a ‘former pastor’ at WCC. If I did, I’d forgotten. What is he doing now?

  6. Defense attorneys objected Tuesday to Schori testifying about conversations with Drew Peterson, arguing they should be confidential because Schori was acting as a religious minister.

    But prosecutors say that doesn’t apply because Schori works at a nondenominational church.

    The judge called a recess attorneys could return with case law to back up their arguments.

    Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  7. facsmiley :

    So…is the defense representing Stacy now? Exactly how are they in a position to complain about Schori divulging their conversations?

    Yeah, it’s right up there with the defense planning on showing that Stacy wanted to leave Drew.

    Wow, now that’s a shock, heh?

  8. I guess there is a huge difference between what a worshpper said during a confession and a conversation of a worshipper with a clergy man.

  9. Bucket – No, only a recess to allow the attorneys to get their case law in support of their arguments. I’m sure they have it ready

    At 11:30 our time, there will be a live report with an update.

  10. A little blast from the past. This is what Joel Brodsky was posting about Neil as a wintess back in the summer of 08:

    Jun 19, 2008, 6:39am
    There is absolutely no question that Shori is covered by the Illinois “Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act” 740 ILCS 110/1 e. seq., because he provided marriage counseling services to both Stacy and Drew. (See Martino v. Family Service Agency, 112 Ill. App. 3d 593 (1982)) Marriage counselors are covered by the act. From what I am reading here it appears that Shori has not stopped violating the law after he gave his interview on Greta’s show, (and probably before the grand jury), but is still violating it on blogs by disclosing what was told him in counseling. I would have thought he would have gotten competent legal advise by now, but it appears that he has not. I wonder if any of his current parishoners feel safe telling their comfidential secrets to him now?

  11. facsmiley :
    A little blast from the past. This is what Joel Brodsky was posting about Neil as a wintess back in the summer of 08:

    Jun 19, 2008, 6:39am »
    There is absolutely no question that Shori is covered by the Illinois “Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act” 740 ILCS 110/1 e. seq., because he provided marriage counseling services to both Stacy and Drew. (See Martino v. Family Service Agency, 112 Ill. App. 3d 593 (1982)) Marriage counselors are covered by the act. From what I am reading here it appears that Shori has not stopped violating the law after he gave his interview on Greta’s show, (and probably before the grand jury), but is still violating it on blogs by disclosing what was told him in counseling. I would have thought he would have gotten competent legal advise by now, but it appears that he has not. I wonder if any of his current parishoners feel safe telling their comfidential secrets to him now?

    Oh, in the light of this info, I see the things are much more complicated, but as far as I can remember Pastor Shori was given a permission by his superiors. That was not his personal decision only then but accepted by the church.

  12. Thank you, Facs, for the Schori update.
    But out of all the arguments (including death, as Bucket noted above)I would have excpected the prosecution to take, the fact that this is a non-denominational church I don’t think would ever have even crossed my mind.
    And-seems that testifying or not would be a liturgical and not a legal point.

  13. Another old post from Joel:

    Jun 18, 2008, 6:50am
    Check Mr. Shori’s interview with the ex-cop/convicted felon/perjurer Mark Furman on Greta’s show. It was Shori that said that after Stacy supposedly told him about Drew’s alleged involvement in Kathy’s death that he advised Stacy to go home to Drew. What was on his mind? I have several theories, and Shori’s own seminary professor stated that he now uses Shori’s dealings with Stacy as an example of what not to do. The professor called the circumstances inappropriate. I would love to get Shori on the stand, or in a deposition, and question him.

  14. I have a feeling that we will be hearing the rest of Neil’s testimony. Joel has to pull out whatever he can to keep Neil from testifying though, doesn’t he?

    Oh wait…Joel “would love to get Shori (sic) on the stand…and question him.”

    Umm…which is it?

  15. As for Neil going public with his story, this is what his dad had to say about it:

    Comment by Tom Schori
    December 18th, 2007 at 11:56 pm

    …Immediately, when he learned that Stacey Peterson had been reported missing, he contacted the Illinois State Police and told them all he knew. Weeks went by and much to his dismay, someone leaked that a pastor had told something critical by Stacey Peterson. Neil was then literally hounded by the media. His mother and I were even contacted by the media. After two weeks consulting with his church’s truly dedicated elders and much prayer, Neil made the decision to appear on one media, Fox News, and one media alone even though he knew that doing so would be him and his family at risk. When he made his decision to be interviewed by Greta, he told me that he would rather die for having done what was right than live as a result of having not done what was right.

    Tom Schori, Ph.D.
    Normal IL

  16. There’s an old song that goes, “I’d rather be sorry for something I did than for something I didn’t do.
    Good on Neil.

  17. Forgive me for posting all these old snippets but I think today they might be helpful while we wait to see what is decided about allowing Neil to testify.

    Here’s an interesting bit from something someone posted at the FSP board long ago. Something to think about:

    …Neal Shori.

    In the wild world of Illinois Hearsay evidence, there is alot of wiggle room.

    I would argue that Stacey’s story to Pastor Shori, was a statement against her Penal interest. This is a recognized exception to the hearsay Rule.

    Stacy was essentially admitting to knowledge of Kathleen’s Death, and held that knowledge to herself for 3 years. ( It is obvoius that Stacy was manipulated and threatened to keep quiet), but technically she was admitting to something that was illegal…

    If Pastor Shori’s story comes in, it is all but over for the defense.

    I’ve never heard of a “statement against penal interest” but if this yet another hearsay exception, that might come into play.


  18. Julian Crews is reporting now.

    They’re arguing over what was said during private counseling sessions should remain private (marriage counseling).

    Schori met with her two or three times alone, and then an interview with Stacy and Drew.

    They’re objecting to the counseling session when both were together.

  19. craig_wall
    at issue: Stacy’s alleged admission to her minister that Drew allegedly confessed to her that he killed his previous wife Kathleen Savio
    3 minutes ago from API

    Peterson hearing hits snag. Stacy Peterson’s counseling minister on the stand. judge closes courtroom. arguments about marital privilage
    5 minutes ago from API

  20. rescueapet :

    Julian Crews is reporting now.

    Schori met with her two or three times alone, and then an interview with Stacy and Drew.

    They’re objecting to the counseling session when both were together.

    Oh, so Drew can object to them being divulged. Well fine – Neil doesn’t talk about anything Drew told him. That seems fair. 🙂

  21. Judge closes Peterson hearing to media, public
    January 26, 2010 11:31 AM

    The hearsay evidentiary hearing preceding Drew Peterson’s murder trial was closed to the public and press this morning as attorneys argued over whether a pastor who counseled Stacy Peterson can testify about what she told him Drew Peterson said.

    The judge in the case allowed the Rev. Neil Schori only to testify about his background and his connections to the Petersons. Earlier today, the judge barred testimony from Schori about statements Drew Peterson made to Schori at the Petersons’ home.

    Defense attorneys have asked the judge to bar Schori’s testimony about Stacy Peterson’s statements to him. Schori has said in interviews that Stacy Peterson told him Drew Peterson admitted to her that he killed his third wife, Kathleen Savio.

    Details to come.


  22. It is that the hearings are closed until the judge hears the attorneys’ arguments, and once he decides, he’ll open up the hearings again to Schori’s testimony?

    Brodsky did a sound bite today where he said he believes many of the State’s witnesses are lying in their testimony. He said he doesn’t think Glasgow knows it. He says these witnesses might think they’re helping, but they’re not.


  23. Joel should try to familiarize himself with the US court system, where witnesses swear to tell the truth and are assumed to be truthful. We aren’t in Italy where witnesses are assumed to by lying.
    Edit\ Apologies to Italy – got that wrong!

  24. Facs, in Italy it’s the accused they expect to lie, so they’re not even required to take an oath. (sorry….I’m a little Perugia-defensive, LOL) …and no need to apologise for posting anything!

  25. Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2010
    Minister testifies in Drew Peterson hearing
    The Associated Press

    JOLIET, Ill. — A Will County judge says a Bolingbrook minister can reveal conversations he had at a coffee shop with Stacy Peterson, who disappeared in 2007.

    Minister Neil Schori provided marriage counseling to Drew Peterson and his fourth wife, Stacy.

    Schori is a witness at the “hearsay” hearing to determine what evidence prosecutors can present at Drew Peterson’s upcoming trial in the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. Peterson has pleaded not guilty.

    Will County Judge Stephen White also ruled Tuesday that Schori can’t reveal conversations he had with Drew and Stacy Peterson at their home or conversations he had with Drew Peterson.

    Defense attorneys contend the communications are privileged, while prosecutors say they aren’t because the church is nondenominational.


  26. Will County Judge Stephen White also ruled Tuesday that Schori can’t reveal conversations he had with Drew and Stacy Peterson at their home or conversations he had with Drew Peterson.

    Makes sense. Since DP is still living and breathing, it sounds right that those conversations would remain confidential and private. Complicated, but I guess the thinking heads figured it out.

  27. Judge: Minister can testify about some talks with Stacy
    January 26, 2010 1:05 PM

    A Will County judge has ruled that a minister can testify about conversations he had with Drew Peterson’s fourth wife in coffee shops in the months before she disappeared in 2007.

    Neil Schori has said he provided marriage counseling to both Drew and Stacy Peterson. He has been called as a witness at a hearing to determine what hearsay evidence, if any, can be presesnted at Peterson’s trial for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. She died more than three years before Stacy was reported missing.

    Schori has told several media outlets that Stacy told him Peterson had confessed to killing Savio. She also talked about Peterson’s whereabouts on the night Savio died, contradicting an alibi she had provided for Peterson, according to Schori.

    While Judge Stephen White ruled that Schori can talk about conversations with Stacy in public places, he said the minister cannot reveal conversations he had with Drew and Stacy Peterson at their home, or conversations he had with Drew Peterson.

    White ruled that Peterson could have had a reasonable expectation that his statements in the home were made in confidence.

    White’s ruling came despite Schori’s testimony that his nondenominational church did not have rules requiring confidentiality, and that Drew Peterson should not have expected him to keep their discussions secret.
    White then closed the courtroom to everyone except attorneys after defense lawyers made a motion to bar all testimony from Schori regarding what Drew Peterson may have told Stacy Peterson, under the theory that those statements should be protected under marital privilege.

    Schori first counseled Stacy Peterson and then both Petersons while he was a pastor at Westbrook Christian Church in Bolingbrook, he told the court today.

    When he counseled Stacy Peterson alone, it was usually at a local Caribou Coffee shop because he preferred to do his counseling in a public place, Schori testified.

    When he counseled both Stacy and Drew Peterson together, he did it at their house, he said.

    As expected, much of the testimony at the hearsay hearing so far has been about Stacy’s disappearance. In order to have hearsay evidence admitted under a new state law, prosecutors are trying to convince the judge that Peterson caused Savio’s death or Stacy’s disappearance.

    — Stacy St. Clair, staff


  28. cyrhla :
    Does it apply to the phone messages Drew sent to the Pastor after Pastor Shori talked to Stacy?

    Maybe he can’t disclose what was said there, but I hope he can relate how creeped out he was by Drew contacting him immediately after seeing Stacy.

  29. rescueapet :

    “That was absolutely rehearsed. It was almost as if she cried on cue,” Brodsky said outside the courtroom. “That was clearly staged.”
    Brodsky contended defense attorneys will show Stacy Peterson took up with another man and disappeared voluntarily.

    How convenient that Mr. Brodsky can stand outside the courthouse and voice HIS opinions on what is fact and what isn’t. So, is Judge White supposed to sit down with his evening cup of coffee, turn on his tv, and listen to the sound bites of the defense counsel give his take on things, so he can take it all in and make his rulings? Nice. Roll those cameras for Mr. Brodsky to give his opinions for the Judge. That is who Mr. Brodsky is rehearsing and cuing up for, right? His sound bites of disbelief of the witnesses. Aww, come on now, that interview in front of the courthouse stairs WAS rehearsed, cued and staged, right?

    “We believe we’ll be able to show Stacy was planning on leaving,” Brodsky said.

    Well, um, yeah, they’ll be able to show that. It’s no secret she wanted out of her marriage. But, um, see, the problem is how she left. The State seems to be showing that she left being carried out in a blue container.

    Im just at the beginning of today’s thread, but wanted to comment on JB’s press briefings outside the court house. If I were Judge White, I’d be offended by a defense attorney going beyond the facts and putting his own dismissive spin on the testimony of the witnesses, making derogatory comments about witnesses. JB attacking Tom Morphey, making allegations that he’s an addict, is so transparent! The same for attacking Sharon Bychowsky’s testimony. It just shows that the defense is running scared. I hope Judge White is seeing JB for what he is……..an embarrassment to the legal profession.

  30. facsmiley :
    Thanks Womanscorned for grabbing this video!

    Facs…………..Thanks for posting that video! It’s been a long time since Schori’s interview and it’s excellent to refresh our memories of what was said.

    The fact that the defense is fighting so hard against Pastor Schori’s testimony being made, tells us that this is the one witness the defense cannot be dismissive about. They can’t say that Neal Schori is an addict, or just trying to sell more Avon. The defense hasn’t got anything to counter this testimony!

  31. White then closed the courtroom to everyone except attorneys after defense lawyers made a motion to bar all testimony from Schori regarding what Drew Peterson may have told Stacy Peterson, under the theory that those statements should be protected under marital privilege.

    Statements covered under marital privilege? I don’t understand the legal complexity of all of this, surely but isn’t that marital privilege something that kicks in when in a court room and it pertains to once spouse testifying against the other? Telling Pastor Schori that Drew admitted killing Kathleen figures in how as far as marital privilege?

    Did she tell him that in his official capacity as a clergyman, or did she tell him that because she trusted him and knew him?

    Marital privilege?

  32. Does this work? (Marital Privilege)

    Federal law recognizes exceptions “where one spouse is charged with a crime or tort against the person or property of the other or against a child” of either. Most states also have a statute stating that if one spouse is the victim of abuse by the other spouse, the victim’s testimony can be compelled and spousal privilege cannot be asserted.


  33. rescueapet :Does this work? (Marital Privilege)

    Federal law recognizes exceptions “where one spouse is charged with a crime or tort against the person or property of the other or against a child” of either. Most states also have a statute stating that if one spouse is the victim of abuse by the other spouse, the victim’s testimony can be compelled and spousal privilege cannot be asserted.


    Well, that’s as clear as day.

  34. Drew always thought ‘marital privilege’ meant he was entitled to trade-in for a new spouse any time he wanted.

  35. craig_wall
    Stacy Peterson’s aunt on the stand. she says Drew
    Pererson said based on his work as a cop he could kill someone and make it look accidental

    half a minute ago from API

  36. Cyrhla, looks like this to me.

    Can Pastor’s testimony be heard?:

    What Stacy told the pastor in solo counseling sessions. YES

    What Drew and/or Stacy told the pastor in joint counseling sessions: NO

    What Stacy told the pastor that Drew said: TBD

    The last item is crucial since Stacy told him that Drew told her he killed Savio,

  37. craig_wall
    Stacy was there to hear that comment from Drew and
    responded “not with this chick you won’t”

    4 minutes ago from API

    another witness said Drew told her he could get away
    with murder if he wanted

    5 minutes ago from API

  38. facsmiley :
    Cyrhla, looks like this to me.

    Can Pastor’s testimony be heard?:

    What Stacy told the pastor in solo counseling sessions. YES

    What Drew and/or Stacy told the pastor in joint counseling sessions: NO

    What Stacy told the pastor that Drew said: TBD

    The last item is crucial since Stacy told him that Drew told her he killed Savio.

    I got the idea, facs, now. I got confused reading the news if the final decision was already made or not, as they later added the sentence I cited.
    Thanks for the explanations.

  39. JOLIET, Ill. — A Will County judge says a Bolingbrook minister can reveal conversations he had at a coffee shop with Stacy Peterson, who disappeared in 2007.


    Isn’t that the most important part of Neil Schoris involvement anyway ?

  40. It’s Walter Maksym…the “Civil attorney” who is on Roe Conn. Let’s see if he discusses the murder case…which he really shouldn’t be talking about.

    Blah blah blah hearsay law. I’m done.

  41. Stacy Peterson’s aunt takes witness stand
    Associated Press – January 26, 2010 4:44 PM ET

    JOLIET, Ill. (AP) – Stacy Peterson’s aunt testified that months before the Bolingbrook mother disappeared, her husband, Drew Peterson, said he was capable of killing someone and “make it look like an accident.”

    Candace Aikin was on the witness stand Tuesday during a hearing to determine what evidence prosecutors can present at Drew Peterson’s upcoming trial in the death Kathleen Savio. Peterson has pleaded not guilty to charges he murdered his third wife.

    Aikin testified Stacy Peterson heard Drew Peterson’s comment and replied, “Not with this chick you don’t.”

    Aikin described Drew and Stacy’s relationship as shaky and said the two were often fighting. She also testified Stacy Peterson told her Drew Peterson would follow her around when she was on the phone.


  42. Neil Schori’s testimony is important since he goes in to detail about what Stacy said about Drew killing Kathleen. Also I’m very curious about the end to the story he started to tell. It just keeps you hanging like a soap opera doesn’t it?

  43. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100126/ap_on_re_us/us_drew_peterson

    Witness: Peterson bragged he could cover up murder

    AP – FILE – In this May 8, 2009 file photo, former Bolingbrook, Ill. police Sgt.

    Drew Peterson arrives at …

    By DON BABWIN, Associated Press Writer Don Babwin,
    Associated Press Writer – 16 mins ago

    JOLIET, Ill. – An aunt of former Illinois police officer Drew Peterson’s missing wife testified Tuesday that he once bragged he could kill someone and “make it look like an accident.”

    Candace Aikin testified that Drew Peterson made the boast in front of her, Stacy Peterson and others at a family gathering in January 2007, months before Stacy disappeared.

    “I just remember him saying something like he could kill and make it look like an accident,” Aikin said.

    She said Stacy Peterson heard that and replied, “Not with this chick you don’t.”

    Aikin also said Stacy and Drew Peterson often fought, and that her niece told her he would follow her from room to room while she was speaking on the phone.

    Drew Peterson, a former Bolingbrook police officer, has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the 2004 death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. Authorities exhumed her body and ruled her death a homicide only after Stacy Peterson vanished three years later.

    Drew Peterson hasn’t been charged in Stacy Peterson’s disappearance, but authorities say he’s the only suspect.

    Aikin’s friend, Donna Badalamenti, also testified. Badalamenti, who has know Stacy Peterson for years, said they were at a family event in 2003 when Peterson told her that if the marriage to Stacy Peterson didn’t work out he would kill himself.

    Badalamenti told Drew Peterson not to say that, and she said he responded, “Then I’ll kill her.”

    Earlier Tuesday, Will County Judge Stephen White ruled that Neil Schori, a counseling minister at Westbrook Christian Church in Bolingbrook, could testify about some of what was said during conversations he had at a coffee shop with Stacy Peterson. It was unclear how much of the conversations the judge would allow, but he was expected to rule Wednesday.

    White also ruled that Schori couldn’t reveal what was said during conversations he had with Drew and Stacy Peterson at their home or during conversations he had with Drew Peterson.

    Schori was expected to resume testifying on Wednesday.

    Defense attorneys objected to Schori testifying about any conversations with Drew Peterson, arguing that they should be confidential because Schori was acting as a religious minister. But prosecutors argued that the privilege doesn’t apply because Westbrook is a nondenominational church and had no specific rules about confidentiality.

    The focus of the pretrial hearing, now in its second week, is the possible use of “hearsay” evidence in the Savio case.

    Hearsay, or statements not based on the direct knowledge of a witness, usually isn’t admissible in court. Illinois judges can allow it in murder trials if prosecutors prove a defendant may have killed a witness to prevent them from testifying. There’s little available forensic evidence in Savio’s case, so prosecutors are expected to rely on statements Savio allegedly made to others saying she feared Peterson could kill her.

  44. Stacy to aunt: ‘I wish Drew would hit me so I could get out’

    Stacy Peterson was desperate to leave her husband, Drew, in the weeks before she disappeared, her aunt testified this afternoon.

    “I wish Drew would hit me so I could get out,” she told her aunt Candace Aikin in early October 2007. “I feel stuck.”

    Aikin took the stand at a hearing to determine what hearsay evidence, if any, can be presented at Peterson’s trial for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. She died more than three years before Stacy was reported missing.

    Aikin testified that Stacy Peterson wanted to leave, but she did not know how she could support her children if she divorced.

    Stacy also began confiding things about Drew Peterson’s temperament and troubling behavior, including a story in which she accused Drew of stealing Savio’s garage door opener to go to her house to swipe her wedding ring shortly before she was found dead in her bathtub in March 2004.

    “She said she was starting to say things so people would know the real Drew,” Aikin testified.

    Aikin also recounted a January 2007 visit that the Petersons paid to her California home. The couple fought frequently during their stay, becoming so angry at one another at one point that Aikin asked them if they wanted to be married anymore.

    When both said they did, she encouraged them to “hold each other and ask forgiveness.”

    “Please forgive me for burdening you with my past,” Aikin recalled Drew saying.

    Aikin said she did not remember what Stacy said.

    Earlier today, a Will County judge ruled that a minister can testify about conversations he had with Stacy Peterson in coffee shops in the months before she disappeared.


  45. Not sure if this is the M.R. no charges are listed, I’m assuming it is

    ROBINSON MICHAEL 1 27 10 900 04F 000340 Motions

  46. “Please forgive me for burdening you with my past,” Aikin recalled Drew saying.

    Hmm. That could mean a lot of things. Or maybe what I’m thinking it means.

  47. ~snipped from story above~

    “I wish Drew would hit me so I could get out,” she told her aunt Candace Aikin in early October 2007. “I feel stuck.”

    Does this mean that Drew had not ever hit Stacy?

  48. I thought I had remembered a story from someone (Cass?) that he had thrown her across the room. I’m looking for it now.

  49. noway406 :

    I thought I had remembered a story from someone (Cass?) that he had thrown her across the room. I’m looking for it now.

    That statement comes from Cassandra. She said she saw Drew throw Stacy across the room.

  50. KING: Did you ever get physical with Stacy?

    PETERSON: Never. I’m a police officer and I don’t work for the phone company or the power company and as a police officer, we don’t have the same abilities to do things as the common person. If I get involved in a domestic situation where I’m physical with a wife, I’ll lose my job and I would never even come close to risking that.

  51. November 16, 2007 : But in the first interview granted by one of his ex-wives since Stacy’s disappearance, Vicki Connolly, 48, said Thursday that during their marriage an increasingly controlling Peterson told her he could kill her and make it look like an accident. While she couldn’t believe he would ever do it, something prompted her to confide in Bolingbrook police officers who she considered friends. “So they would know he said these things to me,” she said.
    She said Peterson would hit her but not hard enough to go to the hospital, and not often enough for her to expect it. It made it worse, she said, that she never knew it was coming. “It was mind games; it was head games,” she said.

    Apr 12, 2008 Cassandra Cales accepted that challenge today. “I have seen him, personally, throw my sister across the room,” she said. And Cales says just last week the former police sergeant unleashed a profanity-laced tirade against her after she spoke with Stacy’s young son outside the home. “He was red and he was screaming,” Cales said. “If that’s not mad, I don’t know what is.”

  52. Testimony of Stacy’s aunt: Stacy also began confiding things about Drew Peterson’s temperament and troubling behavior, including a story in which she accused Drew of stealing Savio’s garage door opener to go to her house to swipe her wedding ring shortly before she was found dead in her bathtub in March 2004.


    07/18/2002 Bolingbrook Police Incident Report filed by Kathleen Savio of July 5, 2002 “Criminal Trespassing,” “Unlawful Restraint” “Domestic Battery” filed against Drew Peterson (Transcribed by http://www.acandyrose.com)

    “Kathleen advised that she again told him to go, he said that he would go when he wanted and then he looked out the window. He thew one of her garage door openers down and he left the residence. She then called her attorney Harris Smith, her friend Steve Maniaci, her sister Susie Lizak and her neighbor Mary Ponterilli. She advised that her attorney advised her to file a report but she was afraid to file because she believed Drew was unstable and had warned her that if she called anyone he would deny it. During the time of the incident Kathleen advised that three times the telephone rang but Drew would not allow her to answer it. Those calls she later learned were from her sister Susan Lizak, the next door neighbor child, 12-year-old Nicki and her friend Steve Maniaci.”
    “Kathleen also mentioned a previously unreported incident where Drew cut a hole in the drywall in the garage to gain entry into the family room. Also, a time where he was living in the basement and while she was gone cut a hole in her bedroom door to gain entry and removed jewelry and money. I observed the drywall and door. She advised that Drew later gave her back the pair of earrings when he came to the house with another unidentified police officer to have her sign a legal document, at which time he returned the earrings to her. She advised that she did not file police reports on either of these incidents but did advise her attorney. She also mentioned that she had given Drew’s tuxedo to her neighbor, Tom, to hold for her and that Drew had threatened Tom with a search warrant if he did not return his tuxedo, at which time Tom gave Drew the tuxedo back.”
    “Later this date I spoke with Mary A. Pontarelli (BLACKED OUT AREA) She advised the following summary. (BLACKED OUT AREA)”

  53. Peterson pastor might not testify

    January 26, 2010
    By JOE HOSEY jhosey@stmedianetwork.com

    JOLIET — Stacy Peterson’s preacher went on national TV more than two years ago and told how the missing woman confided in him about Drew Peterson murdering Kathleen Savio, but he might not get to repeat his story in a Joliet courtroom.

    Neil Schori, the pastor of Naperville Christian Church, was called Tuesday into an ongoing hearing being conducted to determine what hearsay evidence will be allowed at Drew Peterson’s murder trial Tuesday,

    But arguments over whether his conversations with the accused wife killer and missing mom Stacy are privileged kept him from testifying.

    Judge Stephen White closed the courtroom and heard what Schori had to say about his interaction with Drew and Stacy Peterson. Schori will return to the witness stand Wednesday but it is not known if he will testify in open court.

    Drew Peterson’s attorneys questioned whether Schori would be violating his privilege as a clergyman if he repeated what Stacy and Drew Peterson told him while he was providing counseling. The couple went to Schori to try to save their failing marriage.

    Schori was a minister at Westbrook Christian Church in Bolingbrook when Stacy supposedly told him that her husband, Drew Peterson, came clean about killing Savio. Schori said Stacy blurted out the shocking accusation in August 2007. She disappeared about two months later.

    Peterson shook his head in apparent disbelief Tuesday when Schori testified that the Westbrook church had no rules dictating that a clergyman’s counseling sessions be kept confidential.

    Schori spoke about Stacy’s alleged comments onGreta Van Susteren’s Fox News Network program in late 2007.

    Peterson is charged with murdering Savio, who was his third wife and turned up drowned in a dry bathtub in March 2004. Prosecutors are trying to prove he killed Stacy, his fourth wife, to prevent her from testifying against him.

    Stacy vanished in October 2007. Peterson maintains she ran off with another man, but state police believe Peterson killed her.

    Killing comments

    With Schori’s testimony was put on hold, Stacy’s aunt Candace Aikin spoke at Tuesday’s hearing. She recalled how Drew once told her how he was “able to kill someone and make it look like an accident.”

    He said this in front of Stacy, Aikin said, and his young wife shot back, “Not this chickie.”

    A friend of Aikin’s was present for this exchange; Donna Badalamenti testified to hearing essentially the same conversation.

    Badalamenti also said Peterson told her soon after marrying Stacy, “This marriage better work out or I’ll kill myself.”

    Badalamenti remembered telling Peterson, “Don’t do that,” to which he replied, “Then I’ll just kill her.”

    Andrew Abood, one of Peterson’s attorneys, likened this to “kind of a ‘Romeo and Juliet’ thing.”

    “If I can’t have you, I’ll kill myself,” Abood said. “It’s kind of a romantic thing.”

    Badalamenti went on to tell how Peterson showed off a set of lock picks he was carrying and bragged that he had another set and still one more on order.

    “He said he used them with his work,” said Badalamenti, who noted that when Peterson spoke of killing Stacy, “he kind of laughed, but it was a chilling laugh.”

  54. “If I can’t have you, I’ll kill myself,” Abood said. “It’s kind of a romantic thing.”

    Romantic? Sort of like “nothing says ‘I love you’ like a Glock?”

  55. facsmiley :
    “If I can’t have you, I’ll kill myself,” Abood said. “It’s kind of a romantic thing.”
    Romantic? Sort of like “nothing says ‘I love you’ like a Glock?”

    Rather dramatic than romantic, I would say. Has Abood ever read ‘Romeo and Juliet’? ;). I would rather compare it with Hamlet’s “to be or not to be” (for Drew Peterson).

  56. facsmiley :

    bucketoftea :
    Stacy St Clair, get it together!

    What do you mean, Bucket?

    I was frustrated by:
    “In order to have hearsay evidence admitted under a new state law, prosecutors are trying to convince the judge that Peterson caused Savio’s death or Stacy’s disappearance.

    – Stacy St. Clair, staff”
    Maybe I’m wrong, but this isn’t quite right and adds to the confusion. I had pedantic pants on yesterday. 😉

  57. we early birds can’t wait the next day,right, bucket? 😉

    God has been with Neil Shori since the very beginning and will be with him today as well. I keep my fingers crossed for him and other witnesses asked in for today.

  58. LOL! Wake up, Chicago! Cyrhla and I are ready
    Go Neil!!!
    I have such admiration for Aunt Candace and Sharon, too. Faithful Sharon, tortured and taunted by the killer but never gave up, and Aunt Candace who walked a tightrope, trying to keep channels open with Drew for the sake of Stacy and the children. Stacy has a lot of heroes on her side. Hurrah!

  59. I’ve got to wonder what Drew said to Neil. I hadn’t even thought of that before. I wonder if alone in conversation Drew told him all about how unstable and premenstrual she was, blah blah blah

  60. bucketoftea :
    Just thought I’d share another reaction…did anyone else want to slap Collins’ laughing face?

    Yes, I do.:)
    I am happy you have also noticed his arrogance in front of the cameras. Same sort as cocky as Drew to me!

  61. I hope Rescue and Facs won’t ban me… ;). I hope you’ll defend in case, bucket:).

    The first (very personal) feeling I had after learning that Collins had already retired and had been trying to contact Ric Mims was “Was he the one Drew had to make a call after learning Kathleen would be exhumed?” (Drew said to a journalist he had to make a bunch of calls) and if so, did he submit his resignation as soon he learnt about it (as Drew did).

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